Treating Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea...one breath at a time.

At Sleep Solutions of Central Texas, we make your sleep our business! If snoring or breathing issues are keeping you awake at night, you have come to the right place.
We specialize in treating breathing-related sleep disorders that disrupt and prevent quality rest. Continue scrolling to learn more about how we can help restore your sleep, one breath at a time.
Dr. Lawrence J. Hatfield, Jr., DDS
Are you sleep deprived?
If you regularly experience one or more of the below symptoms, chances are good that you are suffering from lack of sleep.
Irritability & Moodiness
Lack of focus
Inability to

Increased risk of accidents
Falling asleep while sitting still
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, chronic snoring, or a combination may be the culprit.

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Serious Sleep Disorder
Airway Blockage
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, known as OSA for short, is a serious breathing disorder that occurs during sleep. Over 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with OSA, with many more suspected as undiagnosed.
OSA occurs when air is blocked by the tongue and other oral tissues from entering the body. This happens when the tongue falls back in the mouth preventing airflow from reaching the throat and going where it's most needed.
Reduced Airflow
Deadly Consequences
When the airway becomes obstructed, it makes it difficult to breathe normally during sleep. This results in reduced and inadequate oxygen levels that are needed to support healthy cellular activity for proper body and brain functioning. People with untreated OSA have difficulty obtaining necessary levels of deep sleep.
Lack of proper airflow and oxygen into the body, including the brain, leads some people to even cease breathing multiple times at night. This makes this sleep-related breathing disorder a serious health concern with deadly consequences if left untreated.
How Do You Know If You Have OSA?
Here are a few of the signs and symptoms of OSA.
Chronic loud snoring either with or without gasping or choking for air. Waking up coughing is also an indicator of OSA.
Apneas, which are episodes in which breathing stops occurs during sleep. These can be a single occurrence or multiple times per night.
Nocturia or frequent urination at night, resulting in mulitple trips to the bathroom.
Restlessness and insomnia, including restless leg syndrome, tossing, turning, and difficulty falling or staying aleep.
Headaches and dry mouth upon waking are common, as well as the daytime symptoms outlined above due to lack of oxygen and insufficient deep REM sleep.

We Can Help!
At Sleep Solutions of Central Texas, we treat snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) with medical-grade oral appliances that open the airway by repositioning the lower jaw forward in millimeter increments. This allows for natural breathing to occur and thus adequate oxygen levels into your body so you can sleep more deeply and wake feeling more rested. Continue reading to find out how our process works.
Our Process
At your initial visit, we discuss your sleep needs and goals, and take a comprehensive view of your medical and dental histories. We encourage your spouse or someone familiar with your sleep habits to attend this first visit with you. They can often provide valuable information about your sleep patterns that you may not be able to answer or even be aware of.

Sleep Study
If your consultation indicates that you may be suffering from sleep apnea, a current sleep study is the next step. We will set you up with at-home testing, the results of which will be read and diagnosed by a board-certified sleep doctor.
After a diagnosis is made, we will then review your treatment options to help you decide if proceeding with an oral sleep appliance is right for you. If so, scans of your teeth will be taken and sent off to a lab for device fabrication. This process takes about 2 weeks.
Once your custom device is ready, you will return to our office for a fitting along with an instructional session for optimal use of your new appliance. Now you are ready to begin treatment! You will wear the device nightly. We will monitor your progress through follow-up visits and any necessary sleep studies to help determine your treatment outcome.
Book an Appointment
We offer a COMPLIMENTARY, no obligation screening appointment to discuss your sleep needs.
Call to book your appointment today so that you can sleep better at night.
Don't let Sleep Apnea take your breath away!
Breathe Well. Sleep Well. Be Well.

Get In Touch
Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Reach out to us directly. We are here to support you on your path to better sleep.
2395 State Highway 71 West
Suite A
La Grange, Texas 78945
Located in the LG-RV Shopping Center